Question Last Updated on: 1/4/2017
PF Files can be opened directly from a CD or DVD starting in version 9.9. You can access the files by clicking File->Open PF->Browse, then select the PF Folder you would like to view. For example if you would like to open file 'Smith' from a CD, click browse, navigate to 'My Computer', 'LXSoftware (D:)'*, click on the 'Smith' folder, then select 'Open'.
* CD's and DVD's burned through the LXSoftware are automatically titled 'LXSoftware', if the files were burned manually, the disk title could be different. Also, the drive letter could be different than 'D' depending on your computers configuration.
PF Files can not be opened directly from a CD or DVD. You can access the files on the CD or DVD in two ways:
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