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Configuring the Masseter Headset System in LXSoftware

Question Last Updated on: 11/22/2023

The following instructions detail the set up of the Masseter Headphone System with LXSoftware 11.8.6 and above. For more information about other software, contact us.


  1. Select "Use Masseter Headsets" under Tools > Preferences > Administrator

    LXSoftware Preferences Dialog Box
  2. Open the LXVideo application, right-click in the preview window and select "Preferences..." then the Audio tab
    1. Select Masseter Headset Audio Channels

      LXSoftware Audio/Video Preferences Dialog Box
    2. This will route the audio between the headsets. As long as the LXVideo application is open, this audio bridge will be maintained.
    3. Click the Advanced button, and configure the Headsets to their appropriate roles

      Masseter Headset Audio Settings Dialog Box
    4. Ensure the Headsets are appropriately assigned to the Subject and Examiner roles.
      1. Without input, LXSoftware is unable to identify which headset is in which role
        • Any video recorded will be dubbed with subjects headset outputs and inputs.

    The examiner role can also be routed to any speaker and microphone using the custom entry option

    Note: In some instances, the names assigned to these devices by windows may change. If this occurs, you will need to repeat Step 2 in order to restore functionality.

    Masseter Headset Audio Settings Dialog Box
  3. The Masseter Headsets should now be ready to use. All Masseter headset microphones and speaker endpoints will be recorded in the PF.
    1. Any video recorded will be dubbed with the Subject speaker output on one stereo channel, and their microphone pickup on the other.
    2. Examiner speaker output and microphone pickups are also recorded and preserved for future reference
    3. Text-to-Speech and Multimedia presentations will be recorded if they are routed to the subject speakers. See the follow sections for more information on how to configure these options.


If a user wishes to use text-to-speech with the Masseter headsets, they will need to configure the LXSoftware Text-To-Speech to output to those headsets. The following instructions describe this process

  1. Right click on the left side of the recording window in LXSoftware

    Configure Speech Output Devices Dropdown
  2. Select Speech > Configure then select the "Speech Output Devices" tab
  3. Check the boxes of devices to which you would like to direct the synthesized speech

    Configure Speech Output Devices Preferences
  4. Verify configuration via the Speech Synthesis tab

Multimedia Playback

When using multimedia with the Masseter headsets and text-to-speech, the multimedia will play on all headsets and devices that are selected as output devices for text-to-speech.

When using multimedia with the Masseter headsets and text-to-speech is disabled, the multimedia will output to all attached masseter headsets.

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