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LXEdge Full Release Notes

Question Last Updated on: 2/7/2024

Major Updates

  • Changes to improve performance of traces when running charts.
    • Increase interval for saving chart from 5 seconds to 1 minute; charts are also saved when pressing End button.
    • Stop saving chart every time a question is asked or answered.
    • Prevent holding down a key (like spacebar) from making chart sluggish.
  • When reviewing a chart, show, in the squares at the bottom, the questions asked in the order that they were asked.
  • Allow editing of Reports from the Report item inside a PF template. This allows Reports to be customized.
  • Changes related to Audio/Video Recording
  • Allow users to select from a list of resolutions at which to store videos. Previously, videos were stored at very high resolution leading to very large video files.
  • Significant behind-the-scenes overhaul of recording application
  • Significant overhaul of Audio/Video settings.
  • Removed setting for maximum recording duration.
  • Improved splitting of recording files (required by 3-hour limit imposed by framework). A new recording file will be created for these conditions.
    • Chart is started and more than 1 hour and 30 minutes in current recording.
    • The current recording reaches 2 hours, as long as chart is not running.
    • Current recording reaches 2 hours and 55 minutes, even if chart is running.
  • Show Splash Screen while the LXRecorder is opening.
  • Add multimedia support
  • Users can now attach audio/video recordings or images to a question, and they will be displayed for the subject of the examination during the exam.
  • Users can choose to have the Question Set window persist, or only appear when the media is displayed.
  • Changes to streamline the quality control process.
    • Double-clicking on .lxaz (archive) file closes the currently opened PF and opens the one double-clicked on.
    • Add a button to the upload tab that allows uploading a PF without data stripping.
    • Add setting that allows disabling multimedia playback when reviewing charts.
    • Add setting that allows opening an archive file to overwrite an existing PF with the same name.

Minor Updates

  • Modify default annotations to match LXSoftware.
  • Chart View/Review
    • Reset button now changes all sensor display settings back to their original values.
      • Recorded charts will reset to settings under which they were recorded.
      • Prospective charts in a PF will reset to PF settings.
    • Adjust completed chart zoom levels to show the extent of recorded data.
    • Provide option to display charts at fixed 5 second divisions. Make this the default.
    • Remove the gray shading from the grid background.
    • Stop showing leading zeros on time-axis.
    • "Edit question set", "Select question set", and "Advance question list" buttons are hidden on chart until question list is selected.
  • Store the version of LXEdge used to run a chart. Display in the chart information.
  • Settings
    • Ensure that the Settings Page shows either the Global or the PF level settings depending on the context.
  • System Settings
    • Allow users to configure the location of the LXEdge asset directory.
  • Personal History Template
    • Rename from "Default" to "Default Personal History".
    • Stop requiring Date of Birth to be entered.
  • PF Template
    • Allow users to upload PFs to a network drive as a part of a PF workflow.
    • Remove the acquaintance test from the Default PF template. Requires user to add chart and allows selection of first question set to be run.
    • Rename from "Default" to "Default PF Template".
  • Question Editor
    • Add spell check.
    • Allow question text to wrap when in expanded view.
    • Allow users to reorder questions in the editor.
    • Rename "Sacrifice Relevant" questions to "Sacrifice".
    • Rename "Question List" to "Sequence".
    • Allow media to be deleted from the concise view.
    • Ensure that "Add Question" and "Clear All" buttons are always visible.
    • Remove automatic assignment / reassignment of question IDs.
    • Remove concept of Question Set name that could differ from the filename.
  • About Page
    • Add link to online help documents.
  • Speech Synthesis
    • Allow users to configure speech synthesis speed.
  • Network Cameras
    • Allow connection to and recording from specific Bosch network cameras.
    • Add a setting for if the network camera settings should be shown.
  • Remove items from the default series that potentially violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Drug Reference tab
    • Rename GSR column to EDA.
    • Add a disclaimer.
  • Add setting to allow hiding the Scoresheet at left side of a chart.
  • Hide the Print Settings.
  • Change the maximum number of series to 20.
    • Create and date stamp a new log file each day.
    • Show a more meaningful message related to ESS scoring.
    • Stop showing the lock button.
    • Change answer labels in NCCA export from "Y" and "N" to "Yes" and "No" to match specification.
  • LXCAT (Only accessible if user connects an LXCAT device to their system)
    • Limit ability to edit LXCAT templates to ensure proper question set is used.
    • Allow LXCAT algorithms to operate on 3 or 4 presentation TES question sets.
    • Ensure that all LXCAT charts use and display Legacy Auto EDA Filter.
    • Only mark a chart as completed if X, XX, and all other questions have been asked.
    • Allow users to run an additional chart is the first chart has not been completed on LXCAT exams.
    • Do not allow users to repeat a question when running an LXCAT exam.
    • Do not allow users to add series to an LXCAT Exam.
    • Adjust PLE filtering.
    • Warn users if they do not record sufficient presentations for an LXCAT exam.
    • Warn users if they do not record sufficient data following the presentation of a question.
    • Warn users if the sensors were flatlined during the test.
    • Implement Statistical Method for Inflection.
    • Verify Algorithms.
    • Optimize algorithm performance.
    • Rename "Interview" back to "Series".
    • Rename "TES-4" Question set to "LXCAT 4" and fix some issues with the content.
    • Stop showing PLE feature extraction shading. To be added back in future release.
    • Ensure that the Two-Stage decision rule is always used. Future release will allow this to be specified.
  • Minor modifications to the feature extraction and scoring algorithms.
  • Stop showing the Feature Extraction settings tab; always use the default settings.
    • Hide annotation buttons and disable annotation hotkeys when running LXCAT chart.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve error that could cause the software to crash if left running overnight.
  • Resolve UI redraw that would result in difficulty selecting certain questions during chart review or recording.
  • Allow users to select question set for 10th chart in a series.
  • Remove blank items from some dropdowns.
  • Resolve issue that templates could be duplicated in display.
  • Resolve issue that template search with a single result fails when template has already been selected.
  • Resolve issue that PF is not attached to Contact Support when expected.
  • Resolve issue that taking a photo after a photo is deleted shows the deleted photo instead of a new photo.
  • Resolve issue that EDA trace is not centered correctly while a chart is running.
  • Resolve issue that trace centering was disabled upon onset of any question and not re-enabled until a response was received. This was most noticeable as centering being disabled from onset of an introductory question until a question requiring a response was asked and answered. This gives the appearance of centering being broken.
  • Resolve issue that the Expected/Unexpected Response hotkey (spacebar) is not working for some Question templates.
    • Resolve issue that holding down control button and operating mouse wheel while on a chart moves all traces and breaks connection with trace arrow.
    • Resolve issue that, if no PF had previously been added to the currently selected LXEdge directory, double-clicking a .lxaz file would open LXEdge but not the PF.
    • Resolve issue that question set templates imported from LXSoftware could be run without entering question text.
    • Resolve issue that LXEdge would crash when attempting to start PF from PF template for which expected question set no longer exists.
    • Resolve issue that LXEdge would crash when attempting to start PF from Personal History and/or Series Template that had been deleted or renamed.
    • Prevent some chart-opening failures related to question set template name not being a part of the chart name.
    • Resolve issue that the NCCA export file was sometimes being created at a different data rate than expected.
    • Resolve issue that repeats of questions were not being shown in NCCA export.
    • Resolve issue that the LXEdge version number used to run a chart was not included in archive file.
    • Resolve issue that the red shading indicating missing data on a chart sometimes appears for much longer than the actual period of missing data.
    • Resolve issue that EDA trace was not appearing when previewing chart in Manual trace mode.
    • Resolve issues that Audio/Video settings would frequently be lost when navigating to another tab and back.
  • Resolve issue that application would appear to be recording audio/video files, but the created files would be empty.
  • Resolve issue while running chart that pressing spacebar after clicking on one of the Annotation buttons or buttons at top would repeat that button press instead of the expected action of onsetting question or imputing expected response.
  • Undo/Redo capability in editing templates has been temporarily removed.

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