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LXEdge PF Tools

Question Last Updated on: 2/5/2025


This document explains the functions and use of the PF Tools features in LXEdge. PF Tools were designed to aid examiners in copying, moving, deleting, emailing, archiving, and restoring polygraph files (PFs).

Understanding PF Files

A polygraph file (PF) contains multiple files which contain all data associated with a PF, including, but not limited to, personal history, question sets, charts, and audio and video recordings. These files are typically stored by LXEdge in a folder named after the PF within Documents\My LXEdge\PFs. By default, PF Tools will use this PF directory as a source for PF files, but a different source directory can be specified to allow working with PFs that are stored in a different location.

Understanding Archives

An archive is a single file that acts as a container for all files that make up one or more PFs. Archives simplify long-term storage and transmission of PFs. Emailing or archiving multiple PFs at once will create a single archive file (extension .lxaz) containing the PFs. If individual archive files for each PF are preferred, the email and archive processes must be used once per PF.

Common Options

These options are available to several functions of PF Tools:

  • Remove personal information and other data
    • Personal History and Series information
    • Media
    • Reports
    • Attachments
    • Question Text
  • Copy only audio and video
Common Settings

Common Settings

Source Directory

Except for the Restore function, all functions of PF Tools allow the selection of the source of the PFs by setting the PF Directory. By default, the PF Directory selected is the location where LXEdge stores PFs. To change this directory, click the blue folder icon next to the right of PF directory path.

Source Directory

Source Directory

To open PF Tools, click on the PF Tools icon at the bottom left of the LXEdge window.


Copying a PF will duplicate the PF to a new location while leaving the existing PF in place. Moving a PF will move it to a new location and remove it from the source location. To copy or move one or more PFs

Step 1: Click on the PF Tools icon, then click the Copy or Move button

Copy and Move buttons

Copy and Move buttons

Step 2: Check the box next to the PFs that you want to copy. Note that the size of the selected PFs will appear above the PF list.

Select to Copy

Select to Copy

Step 3: If you are copying a PF, select data removal options on the right side. These options are described in the Introduction of this document.

Data Removal Options

Data Removal Options

Step 4: Click the folder icon to select a destination folder.

Destination Folder button

Destination Folder button

Step 5: Click the Copy or Move button at the bottom right of the screen.

Copy Button

Copy Button

Step 6: The Output area will show the status of the copy or move for each file.

Copy Output Area

Copy Output Area


Step 1: Click on the PF Tools icon, then click on the Delete button.

Delete button

Delete button

Step 2: Check the box next to the PFs to be deleted.

Select PF

Select PF

Step 3: Press the Delete button at the bottom left. Check the Output section to verify that the PF(s) were deleted.

Select PF

Select PF


When using the email feature of LX Tools, PFs are first archived, then attached to a new email in your default email application and shown on the screen.

Step 1: Click the PF Tools icon, then click the Email button.

Email button

Email button

Step 2: Check the box next to the PFs to be emailed, then select any desired data removal options.

Select PF

Select PF

Step 3: Click the Email button. Note that status messages about the process will appear in the Output: area.

Email Output button

Email Output button

Step 4: A new email message window in your default mail application will appear with the archived PF(s) attached. The email application Outlook (new) is shown below.

Outlook Email Window

Outlook Email Window

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