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LXSoftware 11.10.x Full Release Notes

Question Last Updated on: 8/22/2024

LXSoftware 11.10.2
Released: August 22, 2024

Minor Updates

  • Resolve issue with NCCA import that Automatic EDA data would be incorrectly imported as Manual EDA data

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve issue that "Documents and Attachments" menu item did not bring up the expected window
  • Resolve issue that duplicate PFs (ending in ~1, ~2, etc.) were being created when opening PF using file explorer or folder browser

LXSoftware 11.10.1
Released: August 15, 2024

Minor Updates

  • If not already present, automatically install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package
  • For NCCA export, stop adding "R" or "C", if missing, to Relevant or Comparison question labels, respectively
  • Added the Import and Export buttons back to the Question Manager

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve issue that "Documents and Attachments" menu item did not bring up the expected window
  • Resolve issue that duplicate PFs (ending in ~1, ~2, etc.) were being created when opening PF using file explorer or folder browser

LXSoftware 11.10.0
Released: August 6, 2024

Major Updates

  • Update Build tools to MVC142
  • Update to C++17
  • Downgrade Video Capture library to version used in; this resolves significant issues that were seen during video and audio recording

Minor Updates

  • ESS
    • Correctly compute the number of control questions on old PFs
    • Ensure that Prior Odds appear in the ESS report and in the PDF
  • Masseter Headset
    • Emplace UI to allow selection of the headset under Preferences->Admin
  • Allow for registry configuration to prevent usage of FTP or scripting
  • Remove support for the Dari language
  • Change default Activity Seat gain from 5.0 to 1.0
  • Stop resizing Recorder application when selecting a different camera
  • Add the OSS-3 manual to the Polygraph References library
  • Remove "Transfer Files via FTP" from the Tools menu
  • Removed the Import and Export buttons from the Question Manager

Bug Fixes

  • ESS
    • Resolve chart selection error
    • Fix issue that extra text would sometimes appear in the ESS Report title
  • Masseter Headset
    • Resolve class of merge errors due to timing differences
  • Fix setting that turns off warning that appears when creating new series
  • Fix minor issues with text appearance when adjusting gain
  • Resolve issue that could cause LXSoftware to freeze
  • Fix the scoring artifact character in Spanish and Russian versions

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