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Viewing Masseter Headset Sensor Data in LXEdge

Question Last Updated on: 4/3/2024

The Masseter Headset has a pressure sensor in the earmuffs that can detect movements in the masseter facial muscle, which may be indicative of countermeasures.

To view this data on your chart follow these steps:

  1. Plug a Masseter Headset, Subject into a USB port.
  2. Open LXEdge.
  3. Navigate to the Devices page :Devices: and select ensure that the headset is selected as an auxiliary input
  4. Navigate to Settings page :Settings: then select the Sensors tab, and ensure that the Masseter Sensor is enabled
  5. Go to the Chart Preview page :Chart_preview: and review the sensor trace

Note: If a trace is not visible after doing the above steps, you may need to zero the trace by double clicking on the arrow for the Masseter Trace.

LXEdge Devices Screen
Devices Screen


LXEdge Settings for Masseter Headset Screen
Masseter Headset Settings Screen


LXEdge Trace for Masseter Headset Screen
Masseter Trace Screen

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